Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Tominator's Blog Ad Campaign

Bear witness to an unprecedented action:

I will, in the space of this blog post, combine two very different cultures seemlessly and hyper-effectively..... NOW!

In Japan, advertising for just about anything invariably includes the term "安心" or "anshin". It is not uncommon to see these Kanji written on billboards, posters and van panels, advertising services as wide and varied as supermarkets, taxis, English conversation schools("Heartful English", one of the translations for "anshin", and NO, 'heartful' is not a real word, nor should it be!), other legitimate schools, barbers, tax accountants, and I'm not sure but they probably even have it on the side of factories that still produce stuff (unlike in my home country, where production ceased long ago and ran away to China).

And in my own country of Australia, and indeed intertwined with the general "Western" culture that mine and all the other English-speaking countries share, especially the USA, ad campiagns for just about anything are certain to include one particular message: You are not good enough as you are naturally, what you have done so far to improve yourself is not good enough either, but if you buy this product/consume this good you will be perfect! And of course, the message is never so directly (nor responsibly) put forth. There can be no liability, after all, when the message is merely being implied, and vaguely at that!

In Japan, just quickly again, there is also a "campaign" (aptly written in Katakana, ie they stole the word from English even though there ARE native Japanese words that could easily suffice), there is a "campiagn" about once every 10 minutes or so. My previous job had me endure a grand total of about 10 campiagns off the top of my head... granted, that is not one every 10 minutes, but I assume yo are smart enough to realise the reasoning behind my gross exaggerations.

So, without further ado, I will present my latest ad campaign for this Blog:
(note: I do not have the resources, time, nor enough motivation to begin with to make this anywhere near the level of a cosmetic product ad)
(Note2: I've also been boggling myself (sounds dirty, doesn't it??) with my pension return policy, and a bit of health insurance reading lately, too!)

Warm and happy blog-reading goodness!
Are you happy? Do you want to make friends?
Come and read The Tominator's blog. Cool people do.
That hot guy/girl in your life may or may not read this blog, and what may or may not happen if you read it too?
We guarantee that something short of nothing, or at least anything might change or happen or remain the same, or become sexier, or not, or you will (or will not) get that blowjob/other-form-of-oral-not-sex you've been wanting.
Bring a friend and you will get 25% of your first three quarters charge to bills and 99% of the last nine thousandths off the joining fee. (Yes, it still costs you an arm and a leg, but nont the one you write with (or the one you favour when you play soccer)).
It is joyful, heartful, and happiness to come and be this blog reader's message receiver! Let's enjoy together!!

Any questions? No?

From The Tominator.


  1. This is awesome. I feel a desperate urge to steal this idea for my own blog.
