Friday, June 4, 2010

Tornadoes in Australia

Let me state categorically and unequivocally: there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the weather in this world, or this country. It has not changed for the worse at all in the hundred+ years since the Industrial Revolution!

With that said,
I will share with you some fucking odd weather behavioural patterns we've been ahving here of late.
It is Winter here in Australia, and where that might mean white snow and blizzards and Groundhogs in other parts of the world, all it means for the majority of Australians (living in Sydney, at least) is cold, miserable and wet.
But THIS year, there's even more!

OK, so I think we can all agree that this kind of weather is NOT the best welcome back to my home country, considering I got back in the thick of it only a month ago. But what can I do about the weather? Not much yet, other than alter perspectives on it from time to time.

But even more recently, there has been the case of Lennox Head.
Have you ever head of Lennox Head??
I didn't think so. And that puts you in the sizeable majority of approximately 6,998,000 people in this world who were also oblivious a week ago. But this week, amid rampaging storms that have very much been worse than usual (flash-flooding, super-heavy downpours, etc.), there was something strange at Lennox Head:
A Tornado.

Yes, a tornado. Expected in many parts of southern-ish USA, and more commonly seen in their fierce alter ego, the Hurricane or Tropical Cyclone, a tornado is a massive funnel of winds and storm all gathered and ready to erase entire family homes and cut gashes into country-side and farms and cities. Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich have given us orgies of such destruction in recent times at the cinema, but it ain't so orgasmic when real people are being obliterated.

But what is Lennox Head, you ask? Why is Tom boring us with this post?
Lennox Head is a small town of approx. 2000 population, situated on the northern border of New South Wales. I strongly suggest that you BUY A WORLD MAP and look for these things, or even an ATLAS of the world, because you'd be amazed just how big his planet is, and also that there are more profiles possible than the one with the Americas always in the middle!

Lennox Head is NOT inside the Tropical Zone (Tropic of Capricorn down here), and is in fact many hundred kilometres outside it.
It is very VERY odd to have a tornado there, especially considering (on top of the already overwhelming facts) that there has NEVER been a tornado there before!
Destruction was wreaked, lives shattered, and homes erased.

It will continue to piss down periodically and in the most inconvenient ways throughout this winter in New South Wales.

And there have been NO changes in weather patterns for the worse, and there is nothing wrong in this country or this world. That cannot be clear enough. Nor can it be wrong enough.

Only the human mind can contain two contradicting things at once without exploding.

From The Tominator.

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