Friday, November 27, 2009

Getting to the ROOT of the Main Problem

A focused mind is the key.
This is what most of the religions are on about, concepts like Nirvana and inner peace etc. (I'm sure there are plenty more, I just am not aware of them)

Hell, even the satanists are looking for some kind of focus - but in the opposite (more carnal, usually) direction.

This world is a chaotic place, by its very nature (which IS Nature!)
Mother nature is not a person, and Father Time is not a person. They have no actual personal attributes beyond those humans lay upon them though the act of personification -- making these concepts like people. !

Life's only purpose is Life itself.

the chaotic nature of my thoughts and attempts to express them are relfective of the world into which I am expressing them, and a clear problem that I have - I have yet to know how to focus my mind an any given task.

Shortness and conciseness is often a useful tactic to employ, but it is not really the correct tactic.
What it really amounts to is a shortening of many ideas which may well require long sentences and paragraphs to express important details, and the like. This is how Twitter, which started as kinda-logical idea to express thoughts that might escape the head during the setup and process of blog-writing, but ultimately what it has devolved into, or indeed, what it has been shown to truly be since the beginning, is a forum for any old bum to tell us he or she is taking a shit right now and it looks like Jesus, or something like that. Oh, and the historic quirk of allowing dissenters in the UnFree World to organise themselves when their loving governments shut all other communications down (dripping with sarcasm, that one).

And sarcasm is NOT, by the way, the lowest form of wit. It is a conduit by which many many low wits have performed their crude crafts, but the sarcasm itself is not low form of thought or brain activity. It is a remarkable conduit and formation of thought by which meanings of supreme indignation or such emotion can be expressed, and understood (with surprising ease, depending on one's cultural background), far better than if one were to use direct language.

We use lies to tell the truth.
And this is why it is so hard to keep it all in order most of the time. Directness is very difficult to swallow, and indirectness can be difficult to pick out!
But such is Life, this funny, funny thing we are all living!

What is needed is some sort of focus of central tought-stream.

As you can see, I still have trouble with it, but I have confidence - and this is a self-creating reason in itself! - my confidence that I will do it gives me confidence, which means that by only the most natural and true course of things and life, I WILL solve this problem!

I just need to harness Time and Nature to the proper degree, in the proper way. (And isn't this the root of ALL humanity's problems????)
I am trying to figure out the problem fully. Once I do, I will be halfway there - so let's say for now that I am somewhere between 10% and 50% along the road.

And once I get to the 50% mark, I think the next 50% will be much easier. It ALWAYS is!

Just don't lose track of yourself along the way. (Said as though it were a simple thing to rememeber, betraying in its sarcasm the true difficulty of the deed!)

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