Sunday, November 21, 2010

To Uluru, and Beyond!

My Peoples,
I write to you with news that some of you may already know, but which I should say here in my humble blog, nonetheless.

A week from tonight, next Sunday, I will be going to bed in a place that I have never been before. After a (somewhat needlessly) protracted stint in Sydney, I have finally recalled what is most important and necessary at this point in my life. It is not a woman, it is not money, no. It is ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!

I will be arriving in Uluru, Ayer's Rock, smack-BANG in the middle of Australia, to begin a new chapter as a Japanese Language Tour Guide.
In this endeavour, I have so far identified three key objectives that I must achieve:
1) See the Rock, and the amazing surrounds (more of my own country!)
2) Get experience in Life, and also in a job of a kind that I have not really done yet (a break from teaching, FINALLY!), and also some field study for my grand political Theory of Everything, Societal Evolution, or "SocEv" as I now call it for short.
3) Create Contacts, meeting and fostering relationships of all kinds that will one day form part of my global personal network.

I think these goals are pretty damn good, and three seems like a good number. Most of you will know that I also had three goals when I last went to Japan, and I managed to accomplish all of them resoundingly and in full, even if it took me 15 months.

At this point, I don't know how long the Uluru stint will last. The answer to that will very likely be clear come April/May of 2011 (next year).

But for now, since it is 11:40pm, and I want to get up before 10am tomorrow, I will leave you with this post as it is, and these final words as I spend the next 6 days prepping for my departure, and bracing myself for the searing, dry heat of up to 45 degrees Celsius in the Australian desert:

It ain't over till it's over.

Your life is only as small and boring as you have neglectfully allowed it to be.

I'll see you on the other side.

From The Tominator.

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