Friday, July 22, 2011

My World VS Your World

As always, my intentions are vague and hard to determine.

So, to be as clear as I can: I seek to instill hope, but more than that I seek to instill an adventurous spirit.
You should be warned right now that if your only goal in life is to "settle down" and curl up into a comfort zone until the day you die, then you should stop reading here - nothing I say is going to mean anything to you.

recent lessons in the University of Life have taught me that people, ALL people, are creatures of the same habit. Humans, as a defining feature of our species, seek to control the world around them. I have touched on this, SOMEWHERE, in by blog ramblings in the past, and actually this has been a running theme of my overall theories on humanity as a species, and life as one of them.

Being mere mortals, but in possession of the most advanced computer in the world, we have been both blessed and cursed by evolution.
I would say that the first shove in any direction was back in the Ice Age, when Ogg, the caveman, discovered fire. The Greeks tell a more poetic version of it through Prometheus. With fire, we had our first tool to manipulate our surrounding world.
Fire led directly into agriculture, and with that, we had a significant degree of control over our population limits (ie higher and higher), and did not need to depend on foraging in the woods for our food.
As society developed (one day to be all explained in my grand thesis: Societal Evolution, by Tom O'Keefe), most of the developments we made in technology, religion, spirituality, relationships, etc etc were all geared toward that same End: to increase the control we have over the seemingly chaotic world we live in.

But it is not so chaotic, the world itself.
I have often laid on the beach at Hawks Nest, or stared at the mountains in Japan, listened to the rain in Sydney, or observed the sands of the desert - no particular semblance of Order-making of any kind was involved in the creation of the natural world, and yet it is all so beautiful.
But, of course, a human cannot even find the time to enjoy nature's beauty, more often than not.

The only Chaos in our world is the chaos of the Human World. And by this I mean the world that we all share, but we all simultaneously think is our own, and our own only!
"My little corner of the universe is MINE!, and if you ever DARE to enter it or change anything, I will seek the end of all that is you!"

When I say that evolution has blessed us, I mean all the Potential we have, both as a species and as individuals. Our brains are more advanced than any creature we know of, and thousands of years of activity and history has produced some remarkable things for us to be proud of. But therein lies the conundrum! For a species that seeks to be individualistic more and more, can you ever find a great achievement from any great person of history that was achieved SOLELY and entirely by oneself?? My god!, the mere fact that it is written down in the history books has required at least two individuals - one to do the deed, and one to write about it!

But back to the point: people want control. They crave it because they think they need it. But the only reason they need it is because every other bum is craving it. What was once, millions of years ago, once sphere and one world, is today one sphere, and many millions of worlds. Each of these worlds will collide at any time, and at any given time most of them ARE colliding. If things are going My way, then they are, by simple fact, NOT going your way. And if yours and my way happen to be the same, we would be very hard pressed to find a third, let alone a fourth person out of the 7 billion here today, who agrees with us.

"Compromise", in the positive sense of the word, is the only solution when dealing with others. Etymologically, it literally means "co- promise", whereby two or more humans agree to promise on the same thing, together.
Sadly, more often than we'd like, compromise cannot be achieved without dilution of strength in action, and thereby obscuring of intention and hope.

And so we can see, now, that hope is made murky by the necessity to deal with others. And it will always be necessary to deal with others, because it is hardwired into our brains. As a sexually-reproducing species, we are, all of us, destined by our internal nature to need at least one other person at at least one point in our life.
None of us are truly "free" in this sense, and, honestly, none of us want to be.

So, my point today?

Have your hopes, have your dreams, and make your plans; look at your future, near or far, and lay tracks to take you to certain places, if indeed it makes you feel better about all of it.
But don't loose sight of the fact that you are doing for that very reason: to make yourself feel better.
Ironically, planning for the future can quickly and often become a stressful and mentally degrading affair. HA! Such is life!

We plan and scheme and connive and contrive only to make ourselves feel better about the future.
Evolution has cursed us by giving us a well-advanced brain, but neither the physical dexterity and hardiness, nor the supernatural abilities to do what we want to do, when we want it.
I cannot flap my arms and fly to Japan today, I have to get a job, get money, get a ticket, organise my life, pass security and customs, sit in a crowded seat for 11 hours, do customs and security again, and THEN, THEN I can be in Japan. And it is all because I have the brain that allows me to dream it, but not the physical abilities to let it happen instantly (or within any reasonable period of time).

All the physical parameters of our human existence are there because they make up the world we live in. Most of them are human-constructs, like almost everything I said in that last paragraph. The ocean I'd have to cross is not human, so that's one non-human example, nestled in amongst all the humanities.

We will make your plans to make ourselves feel better, and to numb out the sheer terror that our brains would produce once it attempted to reconcile dreams with reality.

How to make dreams into reality is the purpose of our being here, I believe.

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