Thursday, October 29, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

I agree with Chris' summation in a comment on my last blog post: We can feel happy even when the world is giving us no reason to. I shall repeat yet again here what I came to realise a few years ago: there are almost 7 billion people in the world who are ready (and most of them willing) to screw you over and make your life miserable. Why make their job any easier? That's like giving a holiday to a corporate fat cat, or telling the insurance company that you will gladly pay for that expensive procedure out of your own pocket. It makes absolutely NO sense, and, to be perfectly reasonable: it dares too much to fight the unfightable system. Sometimes 'the system' can work in our favour, and indeed it can more often once we change our perspective on it.
It is, in fact and in undeniable reality, unnatural to feel like shit as a default setting.... especially when the Universe is giginv you no reason to. And some rain just ain't a good enough reason.

Should anybody happen to disagree with me, and thereby believe that misery IS the default human setting, then once again need I remind you that there are plenty of beaches with plenty of sand to go stick you head into (and try not to struggle against the incoming flow of the tide), and there are also plenty of tall buildings off which you can jump and put an end to your fucking miserable existence.
(disclaimer: I take NO responsibility for any crazies or dickheads or anyone who took that last line too literally. I was just making a point.)

For the rest of you, able to listen to reason, BE HAPPY! Why not???

From The Tominator.

1 comment:

  1. I understand where you are coming from, and there is certainly overlap between our views, but I would just like to say that there do seem to be some individuals who are chronically depressed. Chronically depressed individuals can be regarded as having an illness meaning they cannot just make themselves happy through force of will. Instead they need treatment and assistance of some sort.

    Although I know you did not mean what you said about suicide literally I believe that the vast majority of people who do commit suicide only do so as a function of terrible psychological illness often coupled with difficult extraneous life circumstances. There would not be many who treat suicide as being just another way out.

    Finally, I agree with the sentiment of your comment whereby you stated that there are enough people willing to make you miserable so there is no point in making yourself miserable. However, do you really believe that the vast majority of people are willing to make others miserable? I am not sure if you phrased that sentence in that way for effect but it seemed to take a negative view on human nature so if you could clarify that would be great.
