Friday, October 30, 2009

Our world(s) as we know it

And here I come again!
I want to tell you all that I am a fan of the news/entertainment show that we all know as the Daily Show. And I also want to posture a position that Fox News is perhaps the most biased, self-absorbed and useless program on any TV network anywhere in the world, and this includes any and all self-indulgent life-story shows that some despotic tyrants around the world may be forcing their citizens to watch.
Put simply, Fox News is garbage, and it's stinking more and more now.
I frame this particular post first and foremost as yet another thought that spills from my head, and also in reference to a comment by one of my most active readers.

When I gave my spiel last time about most of the world ready to hate you, ( why hate yourself?), I came on quite strong, and for good reason.
It has been a large undertone of most events in my existence to date that most people ARE ready and willing to fuck you over at any given chance.
Now, I want to be clear that I DO think such things as trust and honour and loyalty DO exist in this world. But I DO also acknowledge that these things are damn hard to come by!

I find that most of the people I've encountered are focused on one thing, and one thing only. And that one thing has always been the same with every person.
This is everybody's common problem: CONFIDENCE.

Working in a god-forsaken eikaiwa here in Japan right now, I am constantly facing confidence-free souls who are in all seriousness sharing that same mode of existence. This is their world(s) as they know it.

I challenge any person who happens to read this blog to show me at least ONE example of a human being who was NOT prone and downright slave to their horrid self-esteem. Find me ONE person who does not require near constant validation of their existence. And find me ONE person who does not seek the validation in at least ONE freaky way.

I myself am not immune to the self-esteem problem. From time to time, I have had what I would term a 'bout' of low self-esteem, and it is at such times that the problem is compounded by my realisation that I am feeling like shit, and I can't stop it. So whatever the original reason for feeling shit was, it is compounded by my personal shame at not avoiding feeling like shit. Do you still follow me here? It is a vicious cycle, to say the least.

I can go on for hours about self esteem, and damnamit I probably will at a future date on this blog, but for now I want to get back to my point. (And if you are interested, I STRONGLY urge all human beings to watch a short-lived show called "Arrested Development" which deals with all about the self-esteem paradox that is humanity).

So, swinging back to my original point, I do actually believe that the vast majority of people are willing to put shit on you at any given time, as I said in my last blog-post.
But my reasoning is not that I believe that humanity is inherently evil. Were I that kind of whinger, I would be locating a tall building to splatter the footpath in front of. (again, for effect!... maybe I am condescending my readers by constantly reiterating such effect-notes?? You tell me!)

Humanity is not inherently evil. That what the Catholics and other fucko religions are shoving down people's throats. And those religions, those most successful businesses of religions, are preying on that one central problem that we all share. Our self-esteem. Humans are not inherently evil, they are inherently self-loathing, as it would seem. I think I have hit upon the terminology I wanted to find, but forgive me if I correct it later.

Think, all of you!, how often and under how vast an array of circumstances, have you felt like shit, and even hated yourself?? How quickly has the passage of blame focused its sorry, miserable path right into the mirror???
Am I too inaccurate in estimating that it is EVERY time??
Sure, you might blame others, and sure, you might be correct to do so. And I am NOT telling you to blame others all the time. You are not an innocent bystander in your own life, and you are not always the victim. There are indeed evil people who will vicitmise you, but there are also indeed times when you should, for lack of a better expression, MAN UP and admit where you fucked up, and then proceed onto that most crucial and yet most forgotten stage of human existece: FIX IT!

As I wander through my existence, occasionally grabbing a glimpse of the proper path to follow, and veering toward it when I do, I see SO MANY PEOPLE who are milling around their own cockroach-lives, wallowing in a blend of self-pity and self-loathing. (And this is where the religions do there best work, asking you to do two contradicting things at once, which, against all seemingly paradoxical odds, we CAN do - such as love AND fear a god).
They mill about and scurry in their routines, they encounter a problem, and the majority of the time is spent bitching without any notable attempts to follow up and FIX IT!
For goodness sake, people, the smartest of us developed nuclear power and space ships; I'd expect even the dumbest of us, (grouped as an advanced life-form race) to be able to deal with our own problems in SOME constructive manner.

And now, to bring this post home once more: Human beings appear to be eschewing the blessings of evolution and advancement and, dare I say, a form of realistic enlightenment!, and prefer to revert back to those millenia old reflexes of seeking to destroy opposition and any chance of a threat to existence as a means of either filling a hole in one's spirit, as an ill-conceived attempt to please another being (and thus feel good because of the pleasing), or just out of spite.

I'm not sure if that covered it clearly enough, so ask me if you need me to bring it down again.
Like I said, "bursting with ideas", and I wanted to write more about Fox News and the completely unnecessary shitstorm they are brewing in the USA right now.
But I gotta go!

From The Tominator.

1 comment:

  1. This post says a lot that is interesting and substantive. It is true that many people lack confidence and self-esteem. Paradoxically, though, there seem to be many people who are unjustifiably arrogant and conceited. Perhaps they are deluded about their own wonderfulness or perhaps it is an over-compensation for implicit feelings of inadequacy. Regardless it is clear to me that it is hard to be confident when we are constantly bombarded with images of so-called beautiful, glamorous, popular and wealthy people that we are told are, and always will be, above us.

    However, ultimately as reprehensible as that is we need to be able to think for ourselves and discern truth from deceit. We need to take responsibility for who we are, what we take in, and what we believe. If we do that and if we are strong we can develop true confidence that comes from within. This is genuine confidence that will persist in the face of aversive circumstances. It is a confidence that is born of humility and insight not bluff and bluster. This is what we can work on if we would just stop believing all the lies and deceit that we are being fed about what we need to be and achieve to be happy and accepted. Instead of allowing others to tell you what your worth you need to work that out for yourself. Then you are able to find validation from within rather than seek it from without.
