Monday, October 19, 2009


Hello, hello!
To whom might I be speaking?

This is the very first blog and blog entry that I have ever created or done. It is currently 12:28am on Tuesday, 20th October, 2009.
Why has it taken me so long to create a blog?
Well, to be honest, I had some reservations in the old days of the early internet, and some newer reasons have recently come to light to crowd out those old reservations.

If you want to know, ask me (and maybe I'll answer).

With the understanding that on this blog I am posting my heart and soul (as much as I choose to bear) on the internet for all in the world to see, I will of course approach this with some reservations still. But I shall also endeavour to be myself, as much as the universe allows me to be, and as much as my constant battle with the universe allows me to be.

I shall also endeavour to ignore that pesky, damn American-English spell-checker whenever I post on this blog. Just like I am for "endeavour". Ooo, there is goes again!

It's my first time, and right now it is really, really late. I will probably create a simple profile for myself and you to see at some point in the near future. For now, I will leave you with a few things to ponder.

I am in Japan right now. Of the 70 million+ blogs on the internet, at least a cool third of them are in Japanese! ~~ That means that all the other major languages of the world, English, Spanish, Chinese (all forms) and French (sadly) are battling for the other 66.6%. I don't know their figures, but the Japanese figure is quite fitting for my point right here: After 22 years on the Earth, and at least a decade of active internet usage, why have I only NOW, during my time in Japan, been impelled to start up a blog?
I'd say my reasons are not too dissimilar to the 22million or other bloggers that are here in this country with me.

One more thing:
You'll notice the name of my blog is "Life's Too Short For Cheap Whiskey". I got this phrase from my favourite cowboy book, and I think it sums up a large portion of the world view I am trying to maintain and exercise in my existence here on Earth.

The SECOND Coming is coming soon. I assure you.

From The Tominator.

1 comment:

  1. I just read your blog and I am glad that you have found a forum with which you can express your profound and interesting ideas. I empathise with, and understand, your ambivalence towards the use of such a medium to express your thoughts and emotions, some of which will be quite personal in nature. However, I think these days expressing oneself via a blog is quite common so there is no need to regard it as being an alien or daunting concept. I may even start my own blog at some point in the feature.

    The last time I posted a message online was in reply to a right-wing Australian journalist, Piers Akerman, who was absolutely lambasting Barack Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. This journalist framed his argument in terms of being on the side of the Taliban and the Iranian regime in condemning Barack Obama's victory. I took issue with this vile assertion and expressed this in a rather comprehensive post. If you like I can send you a copy of it.
