Monday, January 4, 2010

Back Again in 2010! And the Twenteens!!!!!!

HELLO PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!!!

I am BACK!
My last post was sometime back in mid-December 2009, and jeez, wasn't that so damn long ago! Last year! Last decade! (Does the decade start or end on 2010??)

Anyway, I was in Australia for a truly good summer holiday, and have only three days ago returned to Mito, Japan for more WINTER! More on that later, I'm sure..

For now, as my return to the blog it is, I want to keep it brief, and officially introduce my name for the next decade.
Last decade - 2000-2009, was eventually monikered the "Noughties" or "Naughties", depending on your spelling or innuendo inclinations. Why? Because the tens column of the years was a naught! 2000, 2001, 2002, ..... 2008, 2009 you see how it goes!
In keeping with the tradition, as we have for probably at least a hundred years, with the twenties, thirties, and sixties, etc., I have PERSONALLY COINED the term to call the next decade.
Can anyone remember what we called the decade between 1910 and 1919? Does it matter anymore? That was probably just called the "War Period" and pre-war period. There was likely no need to coin a term.
Or they called it the 1910s, said as "the nineteen-tens", or something like that.
Saying "the Nineteen-teens", or just "the Nineteens", or some other such variation was likely considered too cute/dumb/clever, or whatever, depending on who was looking at it back then.
Needless to say the world was a different place a hundre years ago. We still had Empires in Europe, and Europe STILL ruled the world. The top five Great Powers were Britain, Russia, Germany, France, and Austria-Hungary. Hopefully we all know how it turned out. I am ending the history lesson here for now, and if you don't know how it turned out, ask me and I'll enlighten you.

So, back to the POINT!::

This century is the 2000s. For the last 9 years, I was content to say "Two Thousand and One", "Two Thousand and Two", and so on until last year "Two Thousand and Nine".
Saying "Twenty-Oh-Nine" or "Twenty-Oh-Six" never even caught on, the reason being that I do think all humans looked at it in their minds before actually uttering it and we all thought the same thing - that sounds Stupid!

But this year it all changes!!!!!!
2010! "Twenty-Ten"!!!! -----It has a STRONG and powerful ring to it. All matters of simple arbitrary meanings that are related to New Year's Resolutions aside, THIS YEAR sounds Great!

And with that now thoroughly explained, I want you to watch closely as I finally bring on the climax and introduce what it has taken me so many damn words thusfar to spit out:::

This next decade will be called------------> "The Twenteens"!!!!!!!!!

Did you imagine a drum-roll just then? I know I DID!!
Tell your friends! Dictionary people, enter it in there, and PUT MY NAME ON IT!
I am not doing it for the glory, but honestly, some glory would be really nice right about now!
And always ever more!!!!!

The Twenteens!

We can now safely say "Twenty-Ten", "Twenty-Twelve", and even "Twenty-Thirteen"!
We have been warned....! by the movie 2012, which came out last year, and is STILL in cinemas here in Japan. (I also gotta wait until MARCH to see Sherlock Holmes again.... but I won't be here anymore!) But 2012 is GOOD, by the way. I saw it twice on the big screen, because there is NO other way to see it! Special Effects! Special Effects!!!! End-Of-The-World-Subway-Trains-Coming-Out-Of-Uplifted-City-Blocks-As-Planes-Swoop-By-Special Effects!!!!!!!! And Yellowstone erupting! It all looks good on the big screen! Tv screen would lose it! Even a flat-screen gigantor!

For the nay-sayers:
Saying "Two-Thousand-And-Twelve" sounds crappy, and you know it!
And what were you going to do when 2020 rolled around? Say "Two-Thousand and Twenty"??? That's shit!

The TWENTEENS!!!!!!!!!
Get used to it. It's CLEVER, It's catchy, and I'm going to RAM IT DOWN YOUR THROATS every damn chance I get, because I want it to stick!!!!!!!!

You were warned!

Seriously, though, What do you think????????

From The Tominator :)

1 comment:

  1. I honestly think that Twenteens should be put on a list of stupid things people say, along with Dee-Eye-Why and Going Green, but I do see your point about Twenty-Ten sounding a lot cooler than Two Thousand-Ten. I, however, will probably use the latter out of force of habit for some time. That and in the classroom, because it's easier for elementary school kids to say when we practice the date.
