Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A New (Better) Social Darwinism Part 3

(((((((((I'm segmenting this because I do realise that too much of Tom may indeed literally blow one's mind (yes, I admit it is a euphemism). I take no responsibility for janitorial costs to clean up bits of your mind from the wall behind your head right now.))))))))))))))

Part 3: The Oblivion of the Japanese Race
I never wanted to use the term "race" in this analysis, but I will show you why it is necessary to bring it up here now.
In only the most concise terms for now (and if you wnat more info, ask me!) I will say that the Japanese really, really DO consider themselves to be a race separate and different from the rest of humanity. Never mind that fact that WE ARE ALL HUMAN: their centuries of government-enforced isolationism, their government-fostered disniterest in the world outside their archipelago, and the government's own completely irresponsible handling of social issues since time immemorial, has all clashed with the shocking reality of gloablisation and the modern impossiblity of cutting an entire country off from the rest of the world. In the ood ol' days of the Edo period when Samurai killed themselves, a history was produced that is so boring even I cannot stand to read it for fear of my brain seeking refuge by liquifying itself so as to escape the room by osmosis.
So they see themselves as a race, so that is a term I am willing to use this one special time only.

Back to it:
In the eyes of Darwinism (the regular, scientific kind), when cut down to the phrase we all remember "survival of the fittest", we sohuld be careful not to assign that fascist view of "who is the fittest" (which I mentioned back in Part 1). There is no race that is master above the rest, and there is no 'fittest' subspecies among us nor class of nobility in society that will one day rule us like the aristocracies of yesteryears.
I am redesigning Social Darwinism in a BETTER way by saying something which has taken me three Parts to this Blog entry to spit out:
They are, on a personal level, driven primarily, and rather forcefully by culture, making BAD decisions that are weakening the very form and future of their "race".

NO BABIES! Come ON! All matters of how hot the women are and what kind of a twisted fuck a man must be to not capitalise BIGTIME on it aside, there are some clear and simple scientific facts:
A birthrate is a number that reflects the physical fabric and future of a race, a nation, an anything. Scientifically speaking now:
Given that in a sexual society procreation requires the copulation of TWO members of the population, it is the simplest maths in the world that in order to maintain a population's numbers, TWO babies must be born and raised to child-bearing age by every TWO adults already of child-bearing age. For growth to happen, more that TWO must be born.
This means a birthrate of 2:1 ie 2 children to one woman (the men provide the genetic material, and are still important, despite what militant feminists say).

The Japanese birthrate is currently recorded at 1.37:2. So, given that you cannot actually have 37% of a child due to impossibility, there are some couples having one child, very few having 2 or more, and MANY having none - more to the point, there are MANY single Japanese people who are not even getting married, or even bothering to think about having kids.
We must acknowledge that in amongst the ardent bachelors and spinsters there are women and men who dream of having a family; but I think this too is an equally big problem.
For all the reasons of a developed society to slow its birthrate: TV, lower infant mortality rate, women seeking careers and childcare (among many, many others), Japan is facing this drastic problem. The problem, to make it clear, is that with a rate of 1.37:1, and dropping, this means that a couple (TWO people) with one child creates a future where the TWO die off and the ONE is left to carry on population numbers. Only the dumbest of you cannot see that this means a literal halving of population, inside ONE generation!!!!
And as the single, childless people die off, the generation is cut down to even smaller fractions at an even faster rate. The only reason we are not seeing the effect now is that Japan has historically had a large population to begin any analysis with, and also has the longest life-expectancy. The oldies are making up the numbers on the number-charts, but once they all drop off and the bachelors and spinsters drop off, we will actually see the problem emerge.
(This concept in itself is a massive general-human problem - we more often that not do not like to acknowledge that there is a problem until it taps us on the shoulder, slaps our faces, beats us to the ground, and continues to rape and torture us until we do something about it..... as opposed to using a little bit of foresight (evidence is clearly visible in our history - from the Great Depression to Hitler and the current 2009 Great Recession)).

The whole issue of the Japanese birthrate is one that, if it is going to be discussed, should be explored with more detail that I want to give it here right now.
For now, I want to focus on those bachelors and spinsters.
WHY are they wishing they are mothers and fathers, but still living at home with their own parents, or in a shoebox apartment or in a dorm with other Bs and Ss? Why are the choosing, those that are, not to even get married or date?
The reasons are various, but simplistic, and usually reroute back to this: It is easier, in the society that they have, to stay at home with the parents (and this is being seen more and mroe in the West now, too).
See the price of food, the proce of petrol, the price of housing in this country, the cost of living in general, and top the rickety tower with a few metric tons of WORK WORK WORK!
What you get is a dream built of sticks and crushed by a reality they weighs as much as the moon. It's just too damn hard.
The current 'new' government is attempting to address the issue, but it is for the mostpart too little too late. Something CAN always be done (even THIS is not shikata ga nai time), but drastic times call for drastic measures, and something drastic must be done.

And now we come: Why has Tom decided to steal and re-shape the term "Social Darwinism"?
I see the way the Japanese behave. I see the way they squirm with dishonesty when asked difficult questions, and I see the way that the answer for any given question is, if not shikata ga nai, then "it depends on the person". This is a phrase that has been pounded into their heads since elementary or junior high school, and is considered by the masses that use it to be a polite and discussion-ending way to answer a question the answer for which may involve honesty, self-reflection, controversial generalisation, any of the above, or anything else, really.

This is all weakness. Working from the wee hours into the wee hours, and saying that "there is nothing I can do about it! (I am the Culture's Bitch) is in my eye a fundamental, structural weakness of the race and the culture. It is leading, very fast and very truly, toward an end from which even cockroaches would not survive.
How could I not call it Darwinism? The Japanese follow this culture of giving up, maladjusted and malformed to the flows and forces of history, and it has softened them into a weak and puerile race that will not withstand the momentum of destiny. It will instead continue to follow it, lying down each time a problem comes, and getting steam-rolled.
More recent (and not coincidentally more interesting) Japanese history has shown us that this fashion is endemic to the Japanese - they followed the Edo era into the crashing halt that was heralded by Commodore Perry and his black ships, and they did it again leading into the crashing, crushing halt that was the Second World War. They are doing it again, and this time it is affecting them in a way that many people never would have thought could be anywhere near as devastating as the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Mass deaths are one thing, but the permanent erasure of the race by way of chosen sterilisation is something else.

(((((((((((((See part 4 for the exciting conclusion!))))))))

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