Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A New (Better) Social Darwinism Part 4 - Conclusion

((((((((((((This part 4 should bring it all home. If not, I'll add coda after coda until I get there!)))))))

I am glad to say that the term "race" does not have to be applied to this problem that is Japan. For you see, I do know, in excellent authority, that there is proof that these people are indeed people, and not some alien race that landed on a archipelago and is different from the rest of us.
I say this because I have met, myself, in person, Japanese people who are, at varying degrees of openness, critical of their society and some are even desperate for an escape.
This in itself disproves any realistic association with a "race" concept, because to be part of a race means certain restrictions on deviation from the mean - and this kind of deviation is certainly irreconcilable with those restrictions. (However, in Part 3 I used the term "race" purely to help me speed it along. If you think this is long now, in all 4 protracted parts, then imagine what could have been, had I tried to make a better term and justify it for you!)

For those would-be escapees, there is an easy option: emigrate to a country, probably one of the free-new-world, such as Australia or the USA or Canada. Immigration may not be possible to Japan (and if it were, it would take some time convincing the smart ones to move into the festering hole of cultural discontent), but you can skedaddle out if you really, really want to.

But my own option is, I sincerely think, the better course of action to take.
My option is to in fact TAKE A COURSE OF ACTION!
As Parts 1 through 3 have told you until now, the primary problem, epitomised by shikata ga nai, is the fact that whenever a real problem presents itself, be it of an origin brought on by the self, or imposed by an outside force, the Japanese have an overwhelming propensity to DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!
This has led to one of many absurd cultural facets which is the shunning of all forms of complaint. For you see, complaining, even in its most benevolent and steam-letting-off form, is considered to be a kind of negativity. And this perceived negativity is taken to be an unnecessary excess to the negativity that wells within each Japanese person, sourced from as diverse places as work disgruntlement to personal and relationship issues. For anyone to express their true feelings of negativity is seen as a selfish manoeuvre whereby one seeks attention for one's own problems, ignoring the fact that everyone else has problems and has the decency not to talk about it, but to let it boil up inside, vomit into your mouth, and then swallow it again. And again and again.


But given the drastic state of things now, the Japanese who still have a hope will be "doing something" drastic.
I am NOT calling for an extermination, a genocide, or a culling, or anything eugenic or Nazi here. I am not calling for violence and activity that will plunge Japan into chaos - for me to call for such a thing would mean me calling for Japan to follow the SAME damn course of history it followed into the Meiji Civil War, and the Second World War. I am calling for a political and social revolution. If you are to avoid the fate that you are laying out before you, you must take drastic social action, inlike any ever seen inside Japan, and revolt against your culture! You can keep the food and the kimonos and the little bonsai trees and any other damn trinket of culture you want to keep. You must revolt against the mentality that your culture has mutated into. It is a dead-end sidestreet from social evolution, and it is inevitably the end of the Japanese race, the Japanese people, and the Japanese culture itself because what is happening on this course IS my new Social Darwinism.
Other countries have it bad, big problems, etc. too, but none have instiutionalised it as much as the Japanese, and none have taken it to heart so much that to try to change it is shameful and worthy of suicide! For goodness' sake! Wake up and revolt against shikata ga nai!

..... And if nothing is done, then someone will look back one day, digging through some old archinves long after this blog vanishes from cyberspace, and will make a quirky little note of a quirky little culture that once existed on the western rim of the Pacific Ocean, will make note of facts like maid-cafes and guys marrying videogame characters (check THAT one out, I dare you!), and will maybe, maybe not note how they imploded themselves into a cultural black hole and vanished from the face if the Earth, just another victim of New (Better) Social Darwinism.

From Tom.
PS. Thanks for sticking with me to the end :)

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